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Support LHS Project Graduation – a 501(c)3 organization
Tax Exempt # : 26-2396774

Donate Button with Credit Cards

you do not need to have PayPal account to make a donation using your credit card.

For 30+ years the parents of LHS students, our community and local businesses have generously supported Project Graduation.

What’s that? It’s a series of events designed to provide LHS seniors with fun, safe, substance-free ways to celebrate their accomplishments at this exciting time in their lives.

All events lead up to a free-of-charge, all-night, post-graduation party—giving our graduates one last chance to come together as a class. The fun includes entertainment, food, games and prizes.

But we can’t do it without you! 

If you prefer you can mail a check to LHS Project Graduation c/o Kiki Melvin LHS, 45 Allen Lane, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648